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Managing Virtual Machines

Edit a Virtual Machine

  • On the Virtual Machines page, click on the required Virtual Machine. In the right pane, you can perform the following actions; change virtual machine names, shut down the virtual machine, reboot and hard reboot, power off, enter rescue mode, download the console log and delete the virtual machine. Also, you can check your virtual machine history and monitor.

Monitoring Virtual Machines

  • Select the Virtual Machine and open the "Monitoring" tab.
  • The default time interval for the charts is twelve hours. To zoom into a particular time interval, select the internal with the mouse; to reset zoom, double-click any chart.

Rescue a Virtual Machine

If a Virtual Machine experiences any problems, you can send it to the rescue mode to access its boot volume. When a Virtual Machine in the “Active” state is sent to the rescue mode, it is shut down softly first. Once the Virtual Machine is in rescue mode, you can connect to it via SSH or via the console. Its previous boot disk is now attached as a secondary one. You can mount the disk and repair it.


  • You can send a Virtual Machine to the rescue mode only if its current status is “Active” or “Shut down”.
  • There are only three actions available for the Virtual Machine in the Rescue Mode: Console, Exit Rescue Mode, and Delete.

Put a Virtual Machine to the Rescue Mode

  1. On the "Virtual Machines" page, click the required Virtual Machine in the list.
  2. On the Virtual Machine window, click the ellipsis button. Then, click "Enter Rescue Mode".
  3. In the Enter Rescue Mode window, select an image to rescue the Virtual Machine with. By default, the initial image used for creating the Virtual Machine is selected. Click "Enter".

The machine status changes to "Rescue"

Return a Virtual Machine to Normal

  1. On the "Virtual Machines" page, click the required virtual machine in the list.
  2. On the Virtual Machine right pane, click "Exit Rescue Mode".
  3. The Virtual Machine will be automatically rebooted.

Shelve a Virtual Machine

You can unbind a stopped virtual machine from the node it is hosted on and release its reserved resources such as CPU and RAM. A shelved virtual machine remains bootable and retains its configuration, including IP addresses.

Shelve a Virtual Machine

  1. Click on the desired virtual machine.
  2. If the Virtual Machine is stopped, click "Shelve" in its right pane.
  3. If the Virtual Machine is running or suspended, click "Shut Down" or "Power Off" on its right pane, and then select Shelve virtual machine in the confirmation window.

To spawn a shelved Virtual Machine on a node with enough resources to host it

  1. Click on a shelved virtual machine.
  2. In the Virtual Machine right pane, click "Unshelve".

Delete a Virtual Machine



A Virtual Machine is removed along with its disks that have the delete on termination option enabled during the Virtual Machine deployment.

  1. Click the ellipsis button next to a Virtual Machine you want to delete, and then click "Delete" button.
  2. Click "Delete" in the confirmation window.