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Aliases are folders that store indexes. You can store your logs in these aliases using the logging tool you use.


An alias is a virtual index name that can point to one or more indexes.

If your data is spread across multiple indexes, rather than keeping track of which indexes to query, you can create an alias and query it instead.

For example, if you’re storing logs into indexes based on the month and you frequently query the logs for the previous two months, you can create a last_2_months alias and update the indexes it points to each month.

Create an Alias

  1. Go to the Aliases page.

  2. On the Aliases page, click the "Add New" button.

  3. In the Create an Alias page, enter the Alias Name

  4. After that, you need the specify Replica Count, Shard Count and Retention Day section.

    • Replica Count: Replica count specifies the number of copies of a shard that will be retained. This increases data accessibility and provides redundancy.
    • Shard Count: Shard count specifies how many parts the alias will be divided into. Splitting the alias into shards helps distribute the workload and improve performance.
    • Retention Day: It indicates how many days logs will be stored in an alias before being automatically deleted.
  5. Click the "Create an Alias" button.

Managing Aliases

  • You can edit the Replica Count, Shard Count and Retention Day options in the Aliases drawer.

    • On the Aliases page, click the alias name you want to edit.
    • In the drawer, you can change the Replica Count, Shard Count and Retention Day options.
  • If you delete the alias, click the alias name you want to delete. Then click the "Delete" button to delete the alias.

  • If an alias is deleted, a new alias can be created with its current limits.