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Create a CDN Resource

Create a CDN Reource

  1. Go to your Control Panel, on the CDN menu, click "Resources" button. The page that loads shows the list of CDN resources.

  2. To create a new CDN resource, click the "CDN Resource Wizard" button.

  3. Follow the steps of the CDN resource creation wizard:

    1. Type Select

      • Click "HTTP" to select the required resource type, and then click "Next" to proceed.
    2. Properties

      • Cdn hostname: the hostname from which you will serve static content.

      • Enable SSL: move the slider to the right to enable the secure socket protocol for your CDN resource.

        1. Let's Encrypt: select this option if you want to use a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for the resource.

        Note: DT Cloud system receives it automatically. 2. Shared SSL: choose this option if you want to apply a shared SSL certificate for the resource. 3. Custom SNI SSL: choose this option if you want to apply a custom SNI SSL certificate for the resource and choose the required certificate from the drop-down list.

      • Content origin: specify the content origin type (PULL)

        • For the PULL type, you can use a custom origin port. Specify a port number using the colon character (":") in the Origins field. If you do not indicate the origin port, then the system will put it by default depending on origin policy:
          • 80 if origin policy is HTTP
          • 443 if origin policy is HTTPS
          • None if origin policy is AUTO, that is when the origin port is custom
    3. Edge Locations

      • Tick the checkbox next to the edge group(s) that will share the new resource. Available groups depend on the assigned bucket's edge groups limit.The map displays own, subscribed and available CDN resources. If you click a location icon on the map, the city name and country name of the location appear.
    4. Advanced Settings

      1. Country Access: Configure a rule to enable/disable access to the CDN resource’s content for specified countries.

        • Access Policy: select Disabled to switch off the rule, otherwise, choose between Allow by default/Block by default.
      2. Hotlink Policy: select Disabled to switch off a hotlink policy, otherwise, choose between Allow by default/Block by default.

        • Except for domains: specify domains to which the hotlink policy won’t be applied.

        Wildcard is not supported. Instead, use a URL.

      3. Origin Policy: The origin policy, which is available to a CDN resource, allows a CDN edge server to fetch content from the origin by using different HTTP or HTTPS protocol. Select the type of the connection from the drop-down list:

        • HTTP: connection between an edge server and an origin where HTTP is always used. It is a default value
        • HTTPS: connection between an edge server and an origin where HTTPS is always used
        • AUTO: connection between an edge server and an origin based on a visitor's request (HTTP or HTTPS)
      4. IP Access: Configure a rule to enable/disable access to the CDN resource’s content for a range of IP addresses, including both IPv4 and IPv6.

        • Access Policy: select Disabled to switch off the rule, otherwise, choose between Allow by default/Block by default.
        • Except for IP Addresses: fill in IP address(es) to which the access policy won’t be applied.
      5. Secondary CDN Hostnames: Submit secondary hostnames apart from the default one for HTTP based CDN sites. With these configured, users will be able to access the CDN site using secondary CDN hostname(s). You can add up to 7 secondary CDN hostnames to your CDN resource.

      6. URL Signing: Protect your files from unauthorized access with a key.

        • URL Signin Key: fill in the key which will be used for URL signing. The secret key is similar to a password and can contain a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 32 characters. Spaces are not allowed.
      7. Cache Expiry: set the cache expiry time in minutes (min=1, max=35000000).

      8. Password:

        • Unauthorized HTML: fill in the text which will be displayed for unauthorized login.
      9. Cors Header:

        • Enable Cors headers: move the slider to the right to enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) by adding HTTP header with Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
      10. Nginx Settings:

        • Limit rate: set speed limit of a response to a client (per request) in KB/s. Maximum limit rate value - 2147483647 KB/s
        • Limit rate after: the amount after which the speed of a response to a client will be limited in KB. Maximum limit rate after value -2147483647 KB
        • Proxy cache key: key for caching. Select one of four supported types from the drop-down list:
          • $host$request_uri
          • $host$uri
          • $proxy_host$request_uri
          • $proxy_host$uri
      11. Search Engine Crawlers:

        • Block search engine crawlers: block web crawling bots from indexing the CDN content (for HTTP Pull CDN resources only).
  4. Click "Create CDN Resource"